| Green Building Design And Technology | The book won Book Award in the first session of Jiangsu Province Press and Publication Government Award. It mainly discusses the design concept and methods of green building as well as the matching applied technology. | -MORE DETAILS- | |
 | Interpretation of Rules of Architecture | Excellent in both pictures and content, the book was selected into “Three One Hundred Original Books”. The book has a large number of well-drawn string diagrams, color painting restoration plan and photographs accumulated over the years, along with the version of Rules of Architecture, collation and | -MORE DETAILS- | |
 | Brackets | The book won the first session of China Publication Government Award. The book summarizes and analyzes the origin of brackets and the evolution of brackets from Han Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. According to the two classical works of Chinese ancient architecture (Rules of Architecture and Skill and Tech | -MORE DETAILS- | |
 | Cultural Thinking of Urban Design in China | The book won Printing and Copy Award in the first session of Jiangsu Province Press and Publication Government Award. Based on a profound impact on social development from Chinese ancient long history and cultural tradition, the book tries to evaluate and analyze the features of Chinese urban design | -MORE DETAILS- | |
 | Color Painting Study of Rules of Architecture | The book won Binding & Design Award in the first session of Jiangsu Province Press and Publication Government Award. The book attempts to explain and restore the historical documents of color painting of Rules of Architecture, to understand the general view of architecture in Song Dynasty deeply, an | -MORE DETAILS- | |